02 July 2008

day two: browsing, royal cafe, ceramics in copenhagen

any design fanatic could spend all day at Illums, the interior design Mecca.

i had my eyes on a gold polkadot tea set by rikke jakobsen... but fortunately our teacher gave us only 20 minutes in there. and i thank him for it since he had a packed (and amazing) agenda for us to tour the streets, window shop, pop into a glass blower's workshop, and to top it off... a visit to the Kunst Industri Museet (Danish Museum of Art & Design) after the Koppe Gallery and the Danish Craft Council gallery.

a new addition to the landmark porcelain store, Royal Copenhagen, is The Royal Cafe. this might be the best example of blending modern design with tradition into a very hip, kinda posh, eating spot.

you enter through the gate

some outdoor seating... they serve their "smushi" (the Smørbrød meets sushi) all served on the newest line of Royal Copenhgen porcelain plates. and the waitresses wear beautiful long aprons and braid their hair. i plan to return and take better photos.

the store, okay gallery, of florist Tage Andersen costs 40kr ($8) - wild


i was pretty ecstatic to see an entire exhibition at the Kunst Industri Museet dedicated to the work of Bodil Manz. there were hundreds of pieces there - heavenly

she uses decals and extremely translucent porcelain which is so thin that she plays with intergrading patterns from the inside out.

the contemporary section of the museum was a little unclear to me - since it was all written in Danish
in any case it was a neat behind the scenes styled display with numbered boxes and some pieces dangeling here and there

+ dinner at the hip Laundromat Cafe which serves Brooklyn Lager, which i did NOT order.

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